Original Rhino Paintings by Alan M HuntThe African rhinoceros is a very large animal, with a heavily armoured body and a distinctive horn. There are five separate species of rhinoceros' in the world. The main two species are African rhinos and Asian rhinos. In Africa, there are two species of the rhino, the black rhinoceros and the white rhinoceros. Asia has the remaining three species, the Indian rhino, Javan rhino and Sumatran rhino.
The white rhinoceros has two horns. Despite its name, the rhino is light grey in colour. They weight about 2 and a half tonne, stand about 1.7 metres tall and 4 metres long. The white rhino often live in groups, which can range from any number up to about ten. They feed on grass and leaves. These animals are highly endangered, and have been a protected species for many years. Original Rhino Painting By Alan M hunt Rhino Paintings For SaleOriginal Rhino Paintings
White rhinos are found in the grasslands of South Africa and also north Zaire. They have no natural predators due to their size. Humans however can be a predator to these beautiful creatures, by illegal hunting and poaching. Rhinos mark their territory with urine. They enjoy bathing in mud to cool down on hot days. Female rhinos can reproduce at around three years, whilst male rhinos are not able to reproduce until around seven years. After reproduction, usually one calf is born. The new born rhino can stand on its own just one hour after it is born, and feeds off the mother for 9-12 months. The rhino usually stay with the more for a further period of two to two and a half years before gaining independence and living solitarily. Rhinos are brown or grey in colour. The rhinoceros has thick skin and a distinctive horn that grows in the in the middle of their nose. The black rhino however, has two horns. They are almost hairless animals, with hair only growing on their tail, eyelashses and ears. The African black rhino is the smallest of the species, weighing about 1.5 tonne and stand around 1.5m tall. These animals mainly live alone. Black Rhinoceros' can become agressive if provoked or threatened. They snort loudly to intimidate and make an intruder aware to leave their territory. If the intruder persists, the rhinoceros will most often charge. They have no natural predators due to their size. Humans however can be a predator to these beautiful creatures, by illegal hunting and poaching. The black rhinoceros is found in grasslands or woodlands. They are found in south-west and eastern Africa. Rhinoceros' are herbivores, and therefore feed on food sources such as grasses, leaves and small branches. The rhinos horn was much sought after in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Trading rhinoceros horn is illegal all over the world. There are only 2,500 black rhinos left in the world, a minute number considering only a hundred years ago there was almost a million (estimated) black rhinos in Africa. |
Paintings of RhinoInteresting Rhino Facts
Found in these Heartlands: Kazungula, Kilimanjaro, Limpopo, Maasai Steppe, Samburu, Zambezi Scientific Name: Black (Diceros bicornis), white (Ceratotherium simum) Rhino Size: About 60 inches at the shoulder Rhino Weight: 1 to 11/2 tons (black rhino), over 2 tons (white rhino) Rhino Lifespan: 35 to 40 years Habitat: Grassland and open savannas Rhino Diet: Vegetarian Gestation: 16 months Predators: Humans Other Interesting Facts The rhinoceros belongs to the same family as horses. The African white rhinoceros is the second largest mammal in the World, the African elephant takes first prize. The black rhinoceros, despite its size and weighing an average of 1.5 tonne, can run at speeds of up to 45 km/h. Save the Rhino Trust Desert Black Rhino Project WHITE RHINOSWhite rhinos are found in the grasslands of South Africa and also north Zaire. They have no natural predators due to their size. Humans however can be a predator to these beautiful creatures, by illegal hunting and poaching.
Rhinos mark their territory with urine. They enjoy bathing in mud to cool down on hot days. Female rhinos can reproduce at around three years, whilst male rhinos are not able to reproduce until around seven years. After reproduction, usually one calf is born. The new born rhino can stand on its own just one hour after it is born, and feeds off the mother for 9-12 months. The rhino usually stay with the more for a further period of two to two and a half years before gaining independence and living solitarily. |
Rhino Prints For Sale by Alan M Hunt
You can buy Rhino wall art and wildlife art prints and merchandise featuring Alan M Hunt's Rhinoceros paintings on Fine Art America.
These rhino products make the perfect art gifts for nature and animal lovers on Birthday's, Christmas and Anniversaries
and these Rhino art products make unique gifts as they are not available on the highstreet. Buy something unique and customise it the way you like, get something special with these unique rhino art gifts.
These rhino products make the perfect art gifts for nature and animal lovers on Birthday's, Christmas and Anniversaries
and these Rhino art products make unique gifts as they are not available on the highstreet. Buy something unique and customise it the way you like, get something special with these unique rhino art gifts.