Original Bobcat paintings by Big Cat Wildlife Artist Alan M Hunt.
There are about 35 species in the cat family. The Bobcat (Lynx rufus) is native to America and is often mistaken for a canadian lynx. The bobcat is an adaptable predator inhabiting wooded areas, urban and forest edges, swamplands. The bobcat hunts mainly small mammals and birds. Like most cats, the bobcat is a territorial cat that marks its territory and is largely solitary, although territories will overlap. Bobcats have been hunted extensively for their fur and trophy cabinets, however they are quite elusive and difficult to see or track which has helped it's population.
There are about 35 species in the cat family. The Bobcat (Lynx rufus) is native to America and is often mistaken for a canadian lynx. The bobcat is an adaptable predator inhabiting wooded areas, urban and forest edges, swamplands. The bobcat hunts mainly small mammals and birds. Like most cats, the bobcat is a territorial cat that marks its territory and is largely solitary, although territories will overlap. Bobcats have been hunted extensively for their fur and trophy cabinets, however they are quite elusive and difficult to see or track which has helped it's population.
The SHaded Pool - Bobcat PAinting
Painting of Bobcat drinking at a shady pool
Young Bobcat Study
This bobcat painting is a study of a young bobcat resting.